Capgemini signs three year contract with HMRC in the UK March 30, 2016
Capgemini acquires innovation and design consultancy Fahrenheit 212 to drive North America growth through digital innovation offerings February 18, 2016
FY 2015 Results February 18, 2016
Capgemini to record an estimated 520 million euros one-off non-cash income in 2015 January 12, 2016
Capgemini expands its Salesforce strength in Europe and Asia with acquisition of oinio January 5, 2016
Liquidity program report – 6 months ending December 31, 2015 January 5, 2016
Q3 2015 Revenues October 29, 2015
Ashok Vemuri, CEO of IGATE, leaves Capgemini October 6, 2015
Number of shares and voting rights, as at September 30, 2015 October 2, 2015
Notice of publication of the First half 2015 financial report August 6, 2015